
7 Best Containers You Can use In Growing Vegetables

Today, know what are the best containers you can use in growing vegetables. The plants need high rich soil, enough water and food which is coming from the sunlight...

...These factors are important in order for vegetables will grow bigger and healthy. What if you have all these factors but you have one thing which limit you in gardening.
growing vegetables in container
So, what are the best containers you can use in growing vegetables? The best containers to grow vegetables are pale, dipper, plastic bottles, plastic gallon, biscuit plastic container, can of milk and can of paint.

For example you have a gardening area but you have a limited space because of the building and structures built around in your location. You can plant their but for only a few number of vegetables.

It is hard to grow vegetable especially in urban places. But you can plant in pots or containers which can maximize your gardening abilities. Make a garden in city or other term urban gardening which you grow plants in city with the use of recycled materials.

Using a pots or container through it you can build your own vegetable garden out of it. It is also called container gardening. And without further more here are the 7 best containers you can use in growing vegetables.

1. Pale

Yes, pale. Pale is a container which use to gather water. You can use this in planting vegetables. At home if you have pale which doesn't use anymore you can plant inside. What you need to do is get the pale and then using a sharp tool, make a hole under it.

Usually in making a hole in plastic thing, it needs some metal object and then put it on a fire and then start making a hole on the pale. Make many hole as much as possible so that water can pass through and it will not stack up inside.

After that get a bolo or trowel then find a place to get soil. Slightly cultivate the soil to prevent accident. After that put the soil inside the container.

What are the vegetables or plants can you plant on pale container? The plants or vegetables you can plant inside the pale are tomatoes, pechay, eggplant, okra, ginger, onion, garlic, peanuts, spices, and radish.

Why those plants? Because those plants are need a small portion or a small area to grow. And because this article is about gardening in urban places.

How many plants can you plant inside the pale container? You can just plant only one. Why one? Pale is just small, just put one plant in each pale so that the growth of the plants will be in maximum.

Where you should put the pale? Put it where the sunlight is abundant so that it will get more sunlight which it need in order to grow. Also in a place where no one will destroy it like those roaming animals. It will be prevented to damage and it will grow well.

2. Dipper

If theirs a pale, theres a dipper. Yes dipper can also be used in planting. Dipper usually use in taking a bath. It also use to get a small portion of water and transfer it to another area. Dipper also used to water the plants or vegetables.

But this time you can use dipper container in planting vegetables. Really? Yed definitely you use it in planting. But how? Can you tell me. Here's how. When you have the dipper, not use dipper what you need to do is make hole under it.

Like on the pale you make also a hole on that and this time you will also make hole on dipper. Use also the method for the pale and use it for the dipper in making hole. Better to have holes so that water will pass through and it will not stack in side.

Then the next thing is also get some soil. Find a location where you will get high quality soil. What is high quality soil? High quality soil is a soil in which is have a great amount of nutrients. Meaning you don't need more fertilizer to apply because it is rich and abundant in nutrients.
growing vegetables in container

Plants or vegetables like much those soil which have more nutrients content. But what if you can not find what you will do? Just find a place where you can get soil that's it. Then get your trowel or bolo then start cultivating the soil.

When you already do that, get your dipper and start putting it inside the dipper. Make it full then that's it.

But what are the vegetables you can plant inside the dipper? The vegetables you can plant inside the dipper are pechay, onion, garlic, ginger, and peanuts. Just are example. You can know, or you can evaluate to yourself if you can plant those vegetables you know.

It is recommended to plant vegetables which the bases is it's size. How many plants to grow in a dipper? Just put only one. Yes one, because it is just small. Do not put two or three as it will not grow well. They will be competing for the nutrients in each other.

3. Plastic Bottles

Yes, if there's a will there's a plastic bottles. Plastic bottles like those 1, 1.5, and 2 liter plastic bottles can be used in planting. Those bottles which have softdrinks before and now it's gone then that's the time to use it in planting.

As you can see those bottles are perfect enough in planting. It have a small enough space that you can put the soil as well as the plants. So this time you have softdrinks plastic bottle. And you can use it in gardening.

When you have the bottle, you can plant on that in two ways. Yes two ways. But how? You can cut the plastic bottles 1. in half. Just get a knife or any cutting tools that you can be use then cut it in the middle. And 2. cut the side of the bottle, just remove the small portion of the bottle horizontally.

To those first bottle cutted in half what you can do is on the one part make a hole under it. Put some soil and then start planting on it. And for the second part make a hole on the bottle cap. Put a wire on two side so that you can just hang in on one area. And then put some soil and start planting on that.

For the second bottle which is cutted on it's body. What you need to do is make holes on the other side of the bottle. Put a wire which also to use in hanging it somewhere. Then put some soil and start planting on it.

What are the vegetables you can plant on the plastic bottles? Start planting in that those small kind of vegetables which doesn't need more space. As you will notice the space in that is also a little bit small. So you can not plant those bigger vegetables as it will result to poor growth.

How many plants can you plant in bottle? You can just put one plant per bottle. As said a while ago the space is just a little small. As if you force to put two or three or more plants, it will not grow well.

4. Plastic Gallon

The forth is the plastic gallon. Usually plastic gallon is use to get water. It is a household material which it uses to stack the clean water inside to drink. They use it to prevent contamination and maintain it's purifiedness.

But for now let's use it in planting. The plastic gallon turns into a gardening usuable gallon. What can you notice there are many kinds of gallon and it have different in sizes. But it will be not a problem as those materials have a bigger in size that also have a bigger in space.

What we are talking about the plastic gallon right now are those rectangular in shape. Yes rectangular. There are circular but right now we are talking about those gallon which have a great amount of space that you can plant not only one but more than one.

To use that rectangular gallon in planting what you need to do is to remove the side of the container. With the use of knife or any curting tools except for the scissor, start cutting the side and remove it. Be careful in using with the curting tools as it can hurt you.

When you already remove the side, the next thing you must do is to create holes on the other side. The container can now be use in planting but you need to make hole first. Using a nail and hammer start making hole with the use of it. Make many holes as much as possible.
growing vegetable in pots

Then after that put some soil. Look for a place where there are many soil and try to find those soil which abundant in nutrients that will help for better plant growth. With the use of bolo or trowel, start cultivating the soil and then start putting the soil inside the container. Make it pull of soil and you will going to start in planting.

What are the vegetables to plant in gallon?
The vegetables you can plant in gallon are pechay, spices, tomatoes, eggplant, okra, squash, string beans, mustard, peanuts, onions, garlic, ginger, ladies finger, radish, and Bitter gourd.

There are many vegetables actually you can plant in gallon as it have a bigger space for the roots to spread and a space for growing. So you can plant their any vegetables you know except for those ones have bigger roots.

How many vegetables you can plant inside the gallon?
The answer will be more than one. If you are going to plant tomatoes you can put their atleast four plants depend on its variety. For onion, you can put their nine pieces. For garlic, you can put also nine. For radish you can put atleast six pieces. For Bitter gourd, you can plant atleast three plants as it need more soil.

5. Biscuits Plastic Container

Plastic container which have biscuits or cookies before, can now be use in new way of planting. Planting in container are the best choose especially when you are living in the urban city. No wide space can be seen and lack of gardening space to have.

But this time you can use the biscuits or cookies plastic container. As if you try to look and examine it, you can see a bigger space. You can use that space to grow vegerables even you are in the city. Build your urban gardening with yourself or better with your family and best with the community.

The biscuits container is deep enough that suits for planting. You can put more soil inside which is better in growing plants. When you have now the plastic container what you need to do now is remove it's plastic cover. Then using any sharp objects like nails with the use of hammer, make many holes under it.

After you finish that, this time you are going to put soil inside. Find a location where you can get soil and then put it inside. With the use of tools mentioned a while ago in other container use it to cultivate and gather some soil and put it inside the container. The more color black the soil, the better. Blackish soil tends to have more nutrients content and it will be great for the plants. Then after that you can now start in planting.

What are the vegetables to plant in biscuit plastic container?
The vegetables to plant in biscuit plastic containers are tomatoes, eggplant, spices,pechay, radish, onion, garlic, ginger, ladies finger(okra), bitter gourd, string beans, and squash.

There are still again many vegetables to choose from because that is just a few example. You can choose other vegetables you know. The container is a way too deep to plant which is best.

How many vegetables can you plant on biscuit plastic container?
It varies from what kind of vegetables you are going to grow inside. But here are some few examples. If you are going to grow with the following tomatoes, eggplant, spices and ladies finger just put one plant. For squash and bitter gourd put 2 seedlings. For ginger, onion and garlic you can put atleast four pieces to grow.

6. Can of Milk

Another container you can plant on is the can of milk. We know that this can have a little bit more space. Even it is not so wide but it have a better height which it gives a deep hole. Usually people in the urban community buys milk for their children, not also for children but also for older ones.

Then what you need to do is to gather some can of milk. People they throw it on the garbage because they feel it is already waste, it is useless now. But as a gardener and a planter you can use this in your own urban gardening. You can grow garden out of waste materials and turn it into a very usable way.

Try to ask from other people to give you those cans because you can still use it in a great way. And when you have now those containers you can now start in growing garden. As in the previous following procedure of other containers. What we did is to make a hole under the can.

Make many holes under with the use of nail and hammer so that water can pass through. Then get your gardening tools like bolo and or trowel because we will going to get some soil to put it inside. Make it full with soil and after that we are okay now. Then you are now ready to start your urban vegetable garden.

What are the vegetables to plant in a can?
The vegetables you can plant on a can are onion, garlic, ginger, eggplant, tomatoes, ladies finger, and all vegetables mentioned above. Or it may varies to what kind of vegetables you have and it will base on the size of the plants.

How many vegetables can I grow in Can?
You can grow their atleast 1 to 3 vegetables. When the plants are just small you can put it their as long as it will grow well and they will not competing from each other.

After you plant, put it a nice place where the sun shines because plants will going to get foods through it and it will glow it's leaves. The more sunlight the better and healthier growth.

When the plants stated to grow just take care of the plants by removing some insect if you see. And water it everyday so that it will attain it's full and best growth.

7. Paint Can

The paint can is a container in which it have paint inside. The paint used in painting a house wall, roof, furniture, arts and other thing. But for now we will use it for planting. We think you already seen a paint container. It has different sizes and different container. There are the plastic one and also a metal one.

You can choose either of the two but we recommended to use the plastic one as it is friendly to use. Urban places have many location where there are people who are painting. You can ask for them to give you few, as some of those cans are just thrown it away. So better to get that such to make it just as a waste.

Okay. When you have now the can we will now start. As you notice in the previous six container we always make a hole under. Right? The reason why is we will not let the water to stack inside because it will cause for the plants to decay. Too much water is the reason why it doesn't grow well. So we make sure that evey container has a hole under so that water can pass through it.

After you make a hole put a soil inside. The soil is important to grow plants. Make it full. If the soil is not really abundant in nutrients, you can apply fertilizer after.

What vegetables can you plant on paint container?
You can plant their those small kind of vegetables. Because it have a small portion of space and it is not so wide for the roots of the plants to spread. And also it is not so deep. So better plant on that the bok choy (pechay), onions, garlic and ginger.

How many plants per container?
You can plant only one piece. It will grow well. Just get many container and if you have 20 container then you can plant 20 plants.

Conclusion: Making urban gardening in the city is becomes popular as planting area becomes less and less. But it is really helpful when some body startes growing vegetables in a container which help the family and the community.

Make holes under each container. Put only plants that will suit per container. Apply some fertilizer if necessary. And water it regularly as what the plants need.

Do your basic knowledge in growing vegetables as it really works the basic. If you have some advance knowledge in planting you can apply that as long as you know what you are doing and you can also share your knowledge to other.

Also last there are advantage of growing vegetables in container. It will help to lessen the garbage. It is earth friendly. And it cost 0 as it is a waste material that you just recycle and use in planting.

Thank you for reading this article in titled 7 best containers you can use in growing vegetables. Hope you learn something in reading this.

In the seven containers which one do you like best and why? We want to here some comments, feedback, opinion, suggestion coming from you so don't be shy to leave in box below.

And also can we invite you to share this article to your social media accounts as it will also help those people who are doing container gardening. Thanks and stay tuned for more upcoming helpful articles. Thank you.