
How to Grow Papaya Tree

Today, learn how to grow papaya tree. Trees makes surrounding beautiful. They give fresh air, shade, and foods. But before that you need to grow the tree. This article will definitely help you in just learning on how to grow papaya trees.
how to grow papaya tree

So, how to grow papaya tree? To grow papaya tree first get seeds and let it germinate on a pot for two weeks. When the seedlings have a foot tall do transplanting. Choose a location that suits for planting. Plant the papaya seedlings with 8 to 10 feet apart. It will start to have flowers after five or six months. And Start harvesting papaya fruit.

You will learn it now on how you will plant it and you need some materials to do it. Prepare the following;
  1. Ripe Papaya Fruit Seeds
  2. Pots
  3. Water
  4. Trowel or Bolo
  5. Sprinkler
  6. Fertilizer
  7. Fence

How to Grow Papaya Tree
Let us start the step-by-step procedure in how to grow papaya trees.

1. Get Papaya Tree Seeds

You can get papaya seeds by buying a ripe fruit on the market. A green papaya fruit seeds will not germinate so get a ripe one. Slice it in half and get the seeds inside. That way you can get many seeds that you can use in planting. That is  how you can get papaya seeds.

2. Dry the Papaya Seeds under the Sunlight

After you get the seeds the next thing you must do is to dry it. There is a positive effect of drying the papaya seeds under the sun. Estimated 60-80 percent of the seeds will surely germinate it depends upon on what kind of papaya fruit tree you have.

Get some small container or coconut shell and put the seeds inside. Put it under the sun and dry it for eight long hours. This length of time will surely give you a dried seeds. After you do that set it aside and for start growing papaya tree.

3. Germinate the Papaya Seeds

This time the seeds are ready to germinate. Get some pots or container in which is capable of growing plants with a little bit wide space. You will start growing papaya from seeds now.

To do that get your pots, put some soil and then make a hole with an inch deep and put the papaya seeds inside. Put the pots where it can be hitted directly with the sunlight. Water it to make it moist and after two weeks a new papaya seedlings will start to appear.

4. Do Transplanting of Papaya Seedlings

The new tree seedlings started to grow. This time you need to transplant it to it's designated location. Choose a location which sunlight can hit as the tree needs it for a better growth.

When the seedlings have a foot tall height you can now do transporting. Get your tools like trowel and dig up the soil. Get the seedlings and plant it 2 inch deep. Make an 8 to 10 feet apart spacing as the papaya tree leaves can expand a little bit wide.

5. Put Organic Fertilizer on the Base of Papaya Tree

The soil is the main reason of the growth of papaya. To make more nutrients on the soil put fertilizer. It doesn't mean that you will buy some fertilizer, what we mean is make a way on how you will put some extra nutrients on the soil.

Get some dry leaves, grasses, or organic matter. Make a hole and put all them together. Cover it with some soil and a fter a few weeks it will decay. That is what we called organic fertilizer. Organic fertilizer are made through the decaying organic matter. Put it on the foot of the papaya tree and you have now fertilizer to put in.

6. Put Some Protection

Small papaya seedlings can be destroy by some animals like chicken. Chicken usually scratch on the ground and there is a tendency that when they scratch they can damage your papaya tree.

So it is recommended to put some barrier in which animals can not pass through. Or in case there are no animals in the surrounding, you don't need to mind it.

7. After Months Papaya Flowers will Start to Appear

For five to six months the papaya tree will began to show some flowers. The flowers will soon begin to turn into a fruit. Your presense of time and effort are worthit in growing papaya tree.

You learn how to grow papaya tree in the seven steps above. And if you wish to continue and know more some cool information then you may proceed below.

Papaya Tree Facts
The Papaya scientific name is Carica papaya. It exists in tropical and subtropical countries. The papaya tree can grow and reach up to 25-30 feet at it's full growth. The leaves of papaya can grows upto 3 feet in measure.

The papaya seeds is color black. It is small in size. The papaya fruit can produce of an estimated more or less 200 seeds depends upon on the size of the fruit and what kinds of papaya you have.

Papaya Fruit Tree Care
You learn few information on proper papaya tree growing and this time we will provide some information on how you will care for papaya tree.

You already know on putting some fence for protection for papaya tree which will help to avoid destroying it with the animals. And also with the fence people can also avoid stepping on that.

Also don't forget to water it regularly. Papaya tree seedlings needs some water to grow it well. As when the tree gets the good enough amount of water, it will produce a better growth. Do not let the soil to be dry and also not too much moist. Just put the right amount of water.

Put mulch on the base of the tree as it will help to retain moisture on the soil which is good. Gather some leaves or organic matters that will decay and put if on the base of the tree.

Papaya Tree Growing Tips
Get the best ripe fruit as it gives you high quality seeds. You must take note of it the more the ripe it is the high chance of germinating seeds will produce.

Pick the best variety on your area. There are long and short fruit. It depends upon on you on which you choose. Some of the shorter fruit has a better taste compare to longer ones, it taste sweeter.

Some More Information about.

What are the Parts of Papaya Tree?
The parts are the leaves, flower, fruit, seeds, roots, and trunk.

Leaves can grows as 3 feet long. It looks like a star with more pointed end. This has a smooth texture. It is color green when fresh and color brown when dry. It has a big size when it expand.

Flower is small in size. It is smooth in texture. It is color green to yellowish. The flower will turn into a fruit.

Fruit is color green when not ripe, and yellow to orange when totally ripe. It has a smooth skin texture when you touch. There are small fruit and also bigger in size.

Seeds are color black. It has a small size. If has a rough texture. And and fruit can have an estimated of more or less 200 seeds.

Roots is color white. It grows longer. It supports the tree to stand. It has a rough in texture. It have smaller and bigger size roots.

Trunk is the body of the tree. It has a color white to brown. It has a bigger circular size trunk. It has a rough texture.

Can you grow papaya in container?
The answer will be yes. Yes you can grow the tree inside container. There are many agriculturist doing that and it produce a huge amount of fruit. In fact as I try to look on youtube I see a high progressive technology used in growing that tree.

You should pick those drawrf variety. There are bigger kinds and also the smaller one. Drawft are definitely best to choose from in which they bear fruit even they are very short. And more bunch of fruit will be produce.

Get the container with size of 15-20 gallon in which it have drainage below so that water will not stack. Also directly sow it on the container.

When to grow papaya?
When you are in tropical countries you can grow it anytime as long as you have the seeds, location, sunlight, and water.

Where you can grow this?
Anywhere can be. In the house, in the gardening workplace, in the friend house, classmate house as long as you have the seeds, you have the soil the location if can be.

How long you can plant this?
Estimated of 10 minutes. Yes if you have the seeds, what you do is just get the seeds, the trowel, soil and water. You just dig soil, put the seeds inside and water it after that is so simple.

Can you trim the leaves?
No don't trim it. The life of the tree will be shorter if you do that. The leaves are important for the tree to get it's food.

What are the benefits of planting it?
The benefits are you will be relax. Planting is one form of relaxation in which you will forget your worries about. You will be enjoying cultivating the soil and putting the seeds inside.

Also if can give you shade. When the sun hits so bright you can go under the tree and shade on them with it's leaves.

You can get also foods from it. The tree will bear some fruits sooner. And you can eat that that will sustain energy for you.

You will be beautiful. The fruit have a vitamins and minerals which will help your skin to have a better look. This fruit is one of the most effective when if comes to beauty and it will help to remove your pimples.

How to Harvest Papaya Fruit?
It depends you can get it green in color or yellow in color. If you want to cook to mix on chicken dish get it green. For eating it fresh and delicious fruit get it when it has yellow or an orange color.

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