
List of Filipino Vegetables in the Philippines

Today, know the list of filipino vegetables in the Philippines. In the world there are many kinds of vegetable that will found in many areas of the world. Those vegetables that you grow in the garden and produce more yields each and every time. And today know the list of filipino vegetables in the Philippines.

Filipino vegetables

So, what are the list of filipino vegetables in the Philippines? The list filipino vegetables in the Philippines are:
  1. Ampalaya/Bitter Gourd
  2. Banana Flower
  3. Cabbage
  4. Cashew
  5. Cassava Leaves
  6. Carrot
  7. Chayote
  8. Cucumber
  9. Eggplant
  10. Garlic
  11. Ginger
  12. Green Papaya
  13. Hyancinth Bean
  14. Jackfruit
  15. Lima Bean
  16. Moringa
  17. Munggo
  18. Okra/Ladies finger
  19. Onion
  20. Pechay
  21. Pepper
  22. Radish
  23. Sponge Gourd
  24. Squash
  25. Sweet Potato Leaves
  26. String Bean
  27. Taro
  28. Tomato
  29. Water Spinach
  30. Winged Bean
  31. Winter Melon
That's the Philippine vegetables. The list is not complete yet but we will post the full list soon. There are filipino green leafy vegetables listed above and also the vegetables which bear fruit like eggplant.

The pinoy vegetables are delicious to eat like on other countries. There are many kind of vegetables in Philippines but, below lets continue knowing each vegetables. You can know them with few information. Also know the common vegetable in the philippines.

List of Filipino Vegetables

1. Ampalaya/Bitter Gourd

In the Philippines it is called ampalaya in english is bitter gourd. It tastes bitter but it has many health benefits content.

This vegetables grows well in loam soil. It is vine type of vegetable which crawl after few weeks.

It has a curve skin type. The leaves are small to medium size.

2. Banana Flower

This is popular to Filipino. The banana flower or banana blossom is a vegetable in which they eat it. They get the flower and slice it into pieces and mix a coconut milk.

This vegetables is coming from banana and you can get it after few months or 1+ year after you plant banana.

3. Cabbage

The cabbage grows in the Philippines even it is tropical country. It is because there are some higher places in the country.

Just for example in the Baguio City, Benguet, and Tagaytay in which it has a cold temperature. The cabbage can adopt and grows well in those places mentioned.

4. Cashew

Cashew or kasoy is also a vegetable in which the seeds of it is in outside. This grows well in the tropical country.

5. Cassava Leaves

The cassava is also a vegetables. The leaves of it is being cook with coconut milk. The leaves of it can be harvest after few months.

This is also a root crop in which you can uproot the cassava after a year of planting and harvest the crops.

6. Carrot

Like cabbage, the carrot also grows in Baguio, Tagaytay and Benguet in which it has a cool temperature. The filipino plant it there as it is suited to plant on those places.

This has a sweer and delicious taste. This grows well and after few months of planting you can now harvest carrot.

7. Chayote

Chayote or sayote is also a vegetable growing in the country. This has a good taste to eat and more health benefits.

8. Cucumber

The cucumber is also a good vegetable to grow. This vegetable has many health benefits that you can get.

9. Eggplant

The varieties of eggplant in the Philippines are the longer one. This vegetable grows in loam soil and because it is tropical country it grows well.

Make a gardens plot with more fertilizer and expect a better eggplant growth. Water it regularly so that it will produce healtier leaves and soon a longer fruits.

10. Garlic

Garlic also grows well in the Philippines. Many farmers grows this as it is one of the most common ingredients in cooking.

Aside from that it has more good health benefits. Growing this is easy but you need time and patience before you ger your harvest.

11. Ginger

Ginger also grows in the country. There are the yellow and red ginger. This is good to health and easy to grow.

It grows well in loam soil. You just need a bulbs of ginger and plant it on the ground with one inch deep. After few days or weeks it will start to germinate. And few months or years after, start harvesting ginger.

12. Green Papaya

The green papaya is a vegetable in the Philippines. They slice it into small pieces and mix with coconut milk and sardinas.

This is delicious to eat. This plant grows well in the loam soil and better if you put where the sunlight is abundant. After years it will start to give you green papaya.

13. Hyancinth Bean

This vegetablea grows well in the Philippines. But only few farmers are growing this. This is a vine in which it crawl. In need support in climbing.

The hyacinth bean is also called bataw in the Philippines. This is easy to grow. After few monts of growing start harvesting the fresh bataw.

14. Jackfruit

The jackfruit is a vegetable when it is not ripe. In the country they peel it and slice to small pieces. In cooking this they puy some coconut milk and mix some fish or sardinas.

This plant grows well in the country and there are abundant of sunlight. It needs years of growing before you harvest the fresh jackfruit. It is also called langka in the place.

15. Lima Bean

Lima bean or in Philippines "Patani". This has a good taste and has many health benefits. This vegetable is commonly cooked witg coconut milk.

This plant is easy to grow. You just need to directly plant it on the ground and after few months around four to five months start harvesting young patani.

16. Moringa

Moringa or Malunggay is a vegetable with many health benefits. This vegetables grows well as it gets more sunlight. It produce more green and healthier leaves when it gets more sunlight.

You can grow malunggay in two ways, either through cuttings or through seeds. Most people grow this through cuttings as it grows fast. It is better if you don't apply much water as it begin to decay.

17. Munggo

Munggo is also one of the populat vegetable in Philippines. This is easy to grow especially in loam soil.

This vegetables needs more water and it will produce healthier leaves and more fruits to bear.

18. Okra/Ladies finger

This grows well in the country. Many farmers grows this even in the school as commonly type of vegetables. This grows well in loam soil.

The seeds of okra is small and color green to brown. This has a long fruit with a pointed tip. This is smoothe when you eat but has many health benefits so better to grow this plant.

19. Onion

The onion like garlic is also one of the most common ingredients in cooking. This is make the food more delicious.

The onion are being grown by the farmers. There are also few people growing onions at home but tends only few. This grows well in a place where sunlight is abundant.

20. Pechay

The pechay is one of the fastest vegatable to harvest. You can harvest this as early as 45 days. This is easy to plant and you should apply more efforts in watering this in the morning and in the afternoon everyday.

This is a green leafy vegetables so you need to care more on its leaves. When you do the effort expect it to make a better harvest.

21. Pepper

Pepper is a spicy vegetables. More people grows this easpecially in Bicol region. This is one of the most commonly mix to food to taste.

The pepper is also put to the laing recipe. The laing is best when it is spicy and delicious if that happen. This is easy to grow especially under the more sunlight.

22. Radish

Radish is like a carrot but it is color white. The radish grows well undet the sunlight. The more sunlight it gets it tends to become healthy.

The radish or it is called labanos in the Philippines. This has a small seeds and it grows from it. You need to wait for few months before you harvest young and fresh radish.

23. Sponge Gourd

This sponge gourd grows well in the country. This has a good taste. In terms of growing it needs few months before you harvest your first young sponge gourd.

To plant this make a hole around one inch deep and plant the seeds. Have a spacing of one meter apart.

When it started to climb put some climbing support. In that way it will grow its leaves and stem to that support. But usually in the Philippines gardeners let it climb to other plants.

After few months around five to six months start harvesting sponge gourd.

24. Squash

The squash or other term kalabasa. This is good for the eyes as it has many health benefits.

This grows well in places with abundant to sunlight. Get a quality seeds and plant it directly on the ground one inch deep. After a few weeks the squash will going to climb. Put some climbing support so that it will bear better fruits.

You can also let the kalabasa on the ground but it is much better to have a climbing support. After few months around four to six months start harvesting squash.

25. Sweet Potato Leaves

Sweet potato or camote is a vegetable if you get the leaves. This is easy to grow and after few months get the fresh young camote leaves.

Normally in planting camote you will get the camote slip or stem and then plant directly on the ground. It will start growing and show more leaves.

26. String Bean or Sitaw

There are varieties of string beans in the Philippines. The most common type are the longer ones. There are who turns violet after few weeks.

Growing string beans will be easy as it grows all across the country. Usually you can harvest string beans after four to five months.

27. Taro or gabi

Taro in english and gabi is called localy. In bicol dialect it is called natong. The leaves of gabi is being cook with mix of coconut milk.

It is also one of the most popular vegetable and the "Laing" dish is called to one of most famous dish in the Philippines.

28. Tomato

The tomato is listed as filipinos grows tomatoes. We know that tomato is a fruit but in the Ph it is treated as vegetables. In fact it is commonly use mix in cooking other foods.

This grows well in places with more sunlight. To grow this get a quality seeds and start growing this inside the seedbox or seedtray. When it has few leaves and enough height start transplanting the seedlings to its final location.

29. Water Spinach

This is also called kangkong in tagalog. There are two water spinach growing in the Philippines. The one that doesn't crawl and the one crawl.

Basically the crawling water spinach grows well near water areas. The other one that doesn't crawl is a vegetable planted in the garden which has a better taste compare to other one.

30. Winged Bean

This vegetable winged bean or sigarilyas is also grow in the Philippines. Few filipinos grow this in their backyard.

The fruits of it has a wings like that is why its called winged bean. To plant this get quality seeds then directly plant it on the ground one inch deep and a spacing of half meter apart.

31. Winter Melon

The winter melon or other called "kundol". This is good to eat. This is also easy to grow under the sun.

Just get quality seeds and you can grow this first in seedbox and do transplanting or directly plant it on the ground. This will bear some fruits after few months of growing.

Thank you for reading this article about list of filipino vegetables in the Philippines. Hope you learn some of the Philippine vegetables.

Also thank you for reading this. For your time spend and hope you learn even just a little. If you have some questions or comments leave it below. More upcoming post so stay tuned.