
How to Grow Pepper (Sili)

Today, learn how to grow pepper (sili). In gardening there are many different types of vegetable you can grow. Some of them are small but great in bearing huge harvest. There are also fast grower vegetables in which it takes few weeks before it harvest. But today you will learn how to grow pepper (sili) in your garden.
how to grow peppers sili

So, how to grow pepper (sili)? To grow pepper first make a garden's plot. Then, get quality pepper seeds and let it germinate on a seedbox for two to three weeks. When the pepper seedlings grow, do transplanting. Plant the peppers with 3 inch deep with a spacing of 17 to 23 inches apart. Water it and apply fertilizer to grow well. After four to eight months start harvesting peppers.

What is Pepper?
Pepper is a small size plant which bear fruit with spicy taste. It has a little size leaves which is elongated with pointed tips in end.

It bear very small flowers and turn to fruit after. The fruit of it is color green when not ripe and color red when already ripe.

How to Plant Pepper

1. Make a Plot

In your house or in your area find a best place to plant pepper. Look for the spot where the sunlight is abundant. Pepper needs more sunlight in order to produce it's food. The greater the sunlight, the better.

The place should receive more sunlight minimum of 4 hours is good, but more is better. Get your gardening tools like grab hoe. Then measure about 1 meter wide and 2 meters long. It is still depends on how big is your space.

Cultivate the soil and remove some grasses. Remove also the unwanted materials such as rocks, plastic, or big roots of the tree. When you see big bunch of soil make it pulvirize.

Make the soil high around 10 inches. This way the roots can move and gets enough oxygen when you cultivate around the plant. Also when the soil has less nutrients content put some fertilizer. Organic fertilizer is recommended.

You can make organic fertilizer by gathering some organic materials such as grasses, leaves, papers, left over foods and animal manure, then put it on a hole on the ground and cover then let it decay for few weeks. When it is totally decay you can mix the fertilizer on the soil.

2. Choose Quality Pepper Seeds

Getting seeds is easy. Buy some pepper seeds in the agriculture market. They are selling high quality seeds. This may cost around $1 to $3+ per pack. Those seeds are in pack in which it may contain 50 to 100+ seeds. The seeds appearance have colors on it in which it help seeds to make longer its life.

You can also buy some ripe red pepper in the market and get seeds on it. Get the pepper and then put it under the sun for few days until totally dry. This way you can have high percentage of germinating seeds.

Don't get those young green peppers as you can have low percentage of germinating seeds. The seeds in that are too young in which probably it will not produce some roots. You can also ask for some gardeners in your area to lend you some ripe peppers and ask for some tips.

3. Make a Seedbox and Germinate the Seedlings

This is the next step growing pepper from seeds. It will start to grow as young plant. How to grow pepper from seeds. To do that, make a seedbox or you can buy seedtray in agriculture store near your location.

When you have the seedbox what you do is get some soil and put it inside each little box. Then get the seeds and put it on each small container. After that make it moist with water.

The seedlings will start to grow. How long does it take for pepper seeds to germinate. It takes more or less two to three weeks. In this time it will show a yellowish color and turn to green as it's leaves. Roots will also produce during this time.

4. Transplanting

When the plant grows enough with few inches high and grows some few leaves you can now do transplanting. Get a trowel and get the seedling box. Go to your garden and start transplanting.

Slowly remove each seedlings on the box to prevent cutting the roots. You can push the small box upward to remove the seedlings easily. Do this early in the morning or late in the afternoon so that the plants will not dry.

Using the trowel or stick make a hole around one to two inches deep. Then plant the pepper seedlings. But, how far apart to plant pepper seedlings? The plant spacing is about 17 to 23 inches apart. It depends upon on a variety of the plant you are going to plant.

5. Applying Fertilizer

This site mainly recommended the organic fertilizer as it doesn't have any chemicals which is good to our health. But you can also apply sentitic fertilizer if you want. But if you want the organic let us continue.

Make your own fertilizer at home. Make a hole on the ground a bit far from your house with a meter deep. Then gather some dry leaves, animal manure, leftover foods, grasses or any organic decaying maters.

Then put it inside the hole. After that covet it with some soil. Few weeks it will going to decay all and you can now apply organic fertilizer.

How to apply fertilizer on pepper? To apply fertilizer using organic fertilizer get some container and shovel. Go to the place where you make the hole. Remove the upper soil on the upper part.

Then get the fertilizer and put it on the container. Go to your garden and put the fertilizer on the base of the plant. You can dig up small portion of the soil and put the fertilizer. You can put as many as you want.

When to apply fertilizer on pepper? You can apply it in the very first beginning while you are making the plot, mix it on the soil. You can also apply when the plant grows 6 inches tall.

The advantage of organic fertilizer is it is good to our health. The soil will gain more nutrients that you can use again for planting. And you save some money.

6. Put Fence

On the beginning on it's growth, the animals can damage your plant like scratching on the ground and cut it. To prevent that put some fence or protection to make if safe.

This way you can sure that it will grows well until bigger. When it grows enough you can remove the fence as it already have a stronger stem and roots. Putting some fence or some support will be an easy way but helpful in growing peppers.

7. Water it Everyday

On it's starting growth, the seedlings need more water. As it will help to grow faster and healthier. Make sure to water it regularly and avoid letting the soil dry. Don't also put too much water. Enough water is needed.

When is the time to water pepper? Water it every morning 6 to 7 am and in the afternoon 4 to 5 pm.

Additional Information:

Caring for Pepper Plant
Every plants need some protection and love. So, how to care for pepper? To care for pepper remove some insect crawling on the leaves of the plant. Insect can eat the leaves that makes it weak.

Pest also can attact your plants like bugs and worms so you can apply some pest remover to protect your plants and it's fruits.

Harvesting Pepper
Growing until the getting it's fruits. So, how to harvest peppers? To harvest peppers wait fo more or less four to eight months. Harvest it by getting the ripe fruit in which is color red and the older green pepper. Hold the fruit and cut it to the fruits end.

When to harvest peppers? Harvest peppers when sunny days and avoid on rainny days as the water is dissolve by the fruit. When rainny, let it to stop and wait eight hours to pass to make it dry and get the fruit.

Growing Pepper in Container
Lack of space for gardening is a problem especially in city.

So, how to grow pepper in container? To grow pepper in container. Get a container with drainage under and put some soil. Germinate the seeds on a seedbox. When the seedlings are bigger enough do transplanting. Make a hole around one to two inch deep. Water it everyday and apply some fertilizer. Start harvesting it after four to eight months.

Some Tips in Growing Peppers
To make it easier to grow, get the best gardening tools you have. It is quite hard to work when you have a damage tools. Choose them as you can work fast and and you can avoid accident.  

Get the bigger seedlings and avoid those smaller one. This way you can asure that your plants will grow well and it will be healthy in the future. Those healthy ones tends to grow faster. Sometimes smaller plants are prone to diseases and pest so avoid that.

Put also some mulch. This make the soil stay moist which is good for the plants. Get some mulch from small pieces of woods or the falling leaves and put it on the base of the plant.

Water it regularly. The peppers need more water. When you apply some water the plants grows well and it will produce more healthier green leaves. The water also helps to make faster its flowering. The flowers turn to fruit and you can harvest it many and bigger.

Also to make it more enjoyable try to do it with your family if they have free time. Doing that makes bonding which makes you closer to each other.

You can get the fruits and if there are many harvest you can sell some bunch. A kilo of pepper cost around $4 to $10 depends on the variety, the season, and the stock.

You can also share your ideas to others. In this way you can contribute by giving them free knowledge in gardening and help the community to progress well. There are new to gardening and it will be better to help when you have some extra time.

Thanks for reading the process on how to grow pepper (sili). Hope you learn something in this article. Also may we invite you to share this article so that many people can also learn and know. Some people wants to learn gardening buy they did not know how, so better to give them some materials to read.

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