
How to Grow Calamansi

Today, learn how to grow calamansi. The calamansi fruit is very popular in the Philippines because usually it is being mix to food. For example of dish is malunggay with fish.

This fruit is also been make as a calamansi drink which help to our health, it is refreshing. But today let us learn how to grow calamansi.
how to grow calamansi

So, how to grow calamansi? To grow calamansi prepare the calamansi seeds. Then get a cointaner and put soil inside. Make a hole half inch deep and put the seeds. The calamansi seedlings will start to germinate after three to six weeks. When the calamansi seedlings have grown enough start transplanting it to its final location with 3 meters spacing. After 2 to 3 years start harvesting calamansi fruit.

That is the simple procedure, but let us learn more deeply below.

How to Grow Calamansi

1. Get Calamansi Seeds

One fruit of calamansi contains around 5 to 11 seeds. The seeds are color green and smooth to touch. The seeds are also small in size with a pointed base. You can buy the fruit from the market, its just cost around $1 to $2 or 50 to 100 pesos per kilo.

Just slice it using a knife and squeeze the juice, then get the seeds. To not waste the juice, squeeze it on the glass and remove the seeds. After that mix a water and you have now a juice. Let us continue.

2. Dry the Calamansi Seeds Under the Sun

When you have the calamansi seeds you must dry it under the sun. Get the seeds and put it on a flat surface where the sunlight is abundant.

Let it to dry for almost 8 long hours. This way it will help the calamansi seeds to germinate faster. High percentage of germinating seeds can be expected.

3. Germinating Calamansi Seeds

This step is germinating the seeds. Get some containers, pot, or bottles. Pour some soil inside and make sure it has a hole or drainage under it.

Make a hole on the soil a half inch deep. Then put the calamansi on the hole and cover with the soil. Water it after to help to germinate the seeds. After few weeks, it will start to grow into a young seedlings.

Here us a bonus. There is a way to have a 80 to 100% success rate of germinating calamansi seeds so take a look of it. Try to seach for the following materials if you do not know some of these.

So here it is. Get the following materials; the dry calamansi seeds, plastic with zip lock, tissue paper, water and small container.

Get the calamansi seeds and then remove the peel of it. Remove the cover of the seeds using your nails. The calamansi seeds are moist but becareful not to damage the seeds.

When you already remove the cover of the seeds, get some tissue. Slowly, soak the tissue on a water and becareful not to damage it. Lay it on a flat surface and put the calamansi seeds with a few cm space but left a few space for tissue.

After that fold the tissue like a square or you can roll it and form like a lumpia. Then, soak it again on a water. Get the plastic with zip lock and put the tissue inside. Make sure it is fully lock and no air can pass.

Ger the container and put the tissue inside. Store it on a cool and dark place. After a week try to check if the seeds grow some roots. If no roots soak it again to the water and wait for another week. But if you see roots, put it now to the container with soil and it will start to grow into a young calamansi seedlings.

4. Transplanting the Calamansi Seedlings

After a few weeks or months, if the calamansi seedlings grown enough you can now do transplanting. You can also buy some calamansi seedlings in the near nursery or agriculture store or farm in your area. It cost around 50+ pesos per seedlings.

There are also online store which you can buy from them. They sell high quality seedlings to help you grow your garden. The price will varies from the variety, distance, quality, and quantity.

Choose a location where the you will grow the calamansi. Make sure that it will get sunlight around 6 to 8 hours per day. Plant the calamansi seedlings 14 inch deep with a 3 meters plant spacing.

5. Water it Regularly

When you see that the soil is dry then water it. Do not apply too much water as it will rooten its roots.

This plant need water in order to grow. When you see that the leaves a green it shows that it gets enough water.

6. Apply Fertilizer

Calamansi tree needs fertilizer but we recommendes the organic fertilizer, compost is called on that. 

Compost is a fertilizer comprisses of organic matters such as leaves, grass, leftover foods and animal manure. This kind of fertilizer is best to apply to calamansi tree.

7. Put Mulch

Mulch is also very important to calamansi tree. The mulch makes the soil to maintain its moisture.

Gather some small wood chips, leaves, or dry grasses and put it on the base of the tree. Make it as high as four inches as it will prevent the evaporation of the water it maintain its moisture.

Also when you put some mulch, add some soil as it will help for the roots to grow well. It will also protect the roots of the tree from the insect or pest that may attack.

8. Harvesting Calamansi Fruit

How long does it take to harvest calamansi fruit? It takes 2 to 3 years after you plant your citrus. We know that the fruit takes few years before it bear its fruit. That is why before you harvest calamansi fruit, you need to wait for few years.

When to harvest calamansi? Harvest it during day time or rainny season. The weather will not affect the nature of the fruit, as long as you know that it is mature and ready to pick.

How to harvest calamansi fruit? Harvest the fruit by cutting it on the fruit base. Try to use scissors to make it more easy and to avoid damaging the stem.

Calamansi Tree Care
How to care for the calamansi tree? You can do that by applying fertilizer when it really needs. Try to remove also some insect, worms if you see to prevent damaging your plants.

The leaves of the calamansi tree is the main target so better to look and care for it.

What is Calamansi
The calamansi is fruit which is also called citrus plant. This grows around 12 to 24 feet depends on its variety. The leaves of it is oval shape and the color is green to dark green.

This has many thorns growing on its stem around one to two inch long. It bear fruits color green to dark green when not ripe and color yellow to orange when fully ripe.

By the way can we thank you? Thank you because you read our article about how to grow calamansi. This makes us happy because you spend your time in reading this so Thank You very much.

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