You know some information there and that will be going to be specific. This article is in deep and it will be going to long article which is good to read.
Get with you something to eat or to drink while reading and knowing the amazing parts of this.
You will know below the better information we gathered from other people and in our own experience on how it was done. But before anything else here's some infomation you need to know about okra.
What is Okra
- Okra is a plant sometimes called lady's finger. This plant have a big pointed leaves and it is bearing pods. The pods serve as food by people and it is where the seeds came from.
- The seeds of okra have the characteristic of round in shape, green in color, rough in texture, hard and very small in size
- The okra plant grows especially in tropical country which sunlight is abundant and really needed by crops. This is recommended in places which it is able to growth.
When To Plant Okra
- Before you start growing, you should know when to plant okra in your area. Every country have different season and you should know this. Know what is the climate in your country.
- The climate is the long weather condition experiencing in a country. It varies from sunny day, rainy days, or snow. It is different.
- For example, the Philippines is a tropical country in which sunlight is abundant in a whole year. Some months it rains but sunny days are long time happens.
- So if we are living in the Philippines then the best time to plant is any time. The weather is good in tropical country and you will not worry about.
- When to plant okra is you can tell it with yourself. Take a look and know the weather, the climate in your place if you can grow okra. Then if you are capable of growing it then lets continue below.

How to Plant Okra
In growing okra there are ways to do it and we put there the information. So in no more time in just seconds you will know now. Learn on how to plant okra step by step procedure.1. Find Location to Grow
- Look for your place in gardening. If you are a farmer and have a big land to grow then choose it. Make imagination and try to figure out on how you will do it.
- Plan if you want it big or just a little bit small. Have a look if the sunlight shines brighly in that area and if yes then thats it. Also try to figure out if water is capable in that place because you should not have a problem in water source.
- If you are just a small farmer or just an individual who are love to plant to get some foods to eat then in the backyard you can choose it.
- Remove the necessary materials thay will hindrance in doing your garden. Remove the rocks, garbages if have, plastics, cans or any unwanted materials. Then make a plan.
After you pick your location, the next thing you do is to make a garden plot. Get the grab hoe and start to cultivate the soil. Be careful on handling the tools because it might get hurt you. To avoid accident just slowly but surely.
- After cultivating the soil, remove the grasses if have so that it will not affect your crops. These grasses will get the nutrients coming from the soil and the vegetable will not grow well if there are weeds.
- Form the soil into a plot and start to pulvirize it. There are big bunch of soil so in order to make it easy for planting and clean to watch then make it into pieces.
- You have now the plot and what you need to do next is get your okra seeds. You can get it on the market because these can be buy and start to plant it.
- High quality seeds is a must so that you will grow a better and more yeilds. Okra seeds is more likely to grow because it is hard.
- But if you plan to get from the previous crops you planted, you can do it. As long as it is quality seed. You will have no problem on that.
- Direct planting is being use in this kind of vegetables. Meaning you are going to plant it on the ground and no more making of seedbox to germinate.
- Get the bolo and go to your garden. Then start to plant some okra seeds on the plot. After one seed then have your okra plant spacing as much as 12 to 18 inches apart
- This vegetable growth a little bit big because of its leaves. This also grow as much as one feet or more in height. Make more dig up on soil and continue puting more seeds. After that cover them with soil. Soil that can make it grow.
- After you plant the seeds the next is to water it. Get the sprinkler or any watering tools that you can use.
- You can get get the deeper and pail then water it one by one. Make sure that you water it throughly to make it germinate well.
- When you see the soil it's dry make it moist so that a better result will happen. Do this every day as your routine.
- This vegetable needs more nutrient for a better yields. Organic fertilizer is a must because no chemicals will be applied.
- Organic fertilizer is a kind of fertilizer in which is came from decaying leaves, plants, left over foods, and also animal manure.
- You can make this by making a hole and put there the leaves, grasses, leftover foods and animal manure and cover it with soil.
- Let it to decay for following days, weeks or even better for months. This you can asure that it is completely decay and you can now put it on the plants.
- You need to protect it from danger. Animals can destroy it by eating the small germinating seeds. This can be likely to happen.
- To avoid this put some protection to the vegetable. You can put some net around so that no one can pass through.
- Animals also can not go inside and destroy your crops. Because of this the crops are safe and will be likely to be healthy.
Can You Plant Okra in Pots
- The answer would be definitely YES. You can grow okra in container because it is capable to grow. Get some big black bags (the bags that were being use in gardening). Get and put some soil in that. After that put the seeds and water it. Wait for some days and it will be start to germinate.
- When it start, water it everyday. Enough water is good. You can harvest from it a little. But it is still great to have some than to nothing.
How to Harvest Okra
After for sometime. When the time of harvest you should know some of these. To harvest the okra it should not too young and not too old. Heres why.Young okra pods tends to be small and not that kind of good taste. Old pods also not good because it will be to hard to grind. When you eat it you will feel it is hard to chew.
It is green, not dark green in color when harvesting. The texture is just smooth and not too long. That is just enough in size.
How To Care For Okra
You can do this by applying fertilizer. You want it to have a better healthy pods and leaves, bigger and better.Vegetables are like human who needs nutrients or food in order to have something to eat. You can do this with the fertilizer you add to the soil.
Use organic fertilizer made up of compost. This is compose of organic matters like leaves, grasses, leftover foods and also animal manure. When that matters decay it will turn into compost.
Removing pest that roam around in the vegetable. Pests are one of the vegetable plant destroyer. They will eat and damage every part until it goes down.
You can remove insect one by one if there are roaming around. Or you can apply some pest remover like pesticides.
Grasses grow every where. You can not prevent that, but you need to remove them. Weeds grow faster in your garden where the soil is abundant to nutrients.
This will be competiting with your plants to the nutrients there. And if you can not stop that grasses will be bigger than your plants. So you need to remove weeds in your garden with the use of bolo.
Ripe Okra Pods Makes Seeds into Plant
When you grow okra until your harvest time, you can leave some pods inorder to make seeds. Pods can make seeds by making it ripe and dry.When okra is ripe it is hard and the seeds are also hardening. Until it will be brown in color which the seeds are full grown. When that happen seeds will be make and you can use that again in new planting. New season of planting of okra.
Hope you enjoy something in this article. We want the best for our readers. If you are expert in planting and you find that it is not complete, you can say your opinion or your insite and we will add it in this article. Helpful article will be more amazing.
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