
How to Plant Malunggay: Growing Moringa (Procedure)

Today, learn how to plant malunggay. Plants, Vegetables, or Trees when you hear that, color green comes in our mind because it's nature.

Planting have many various benefits not just to us but for the world and loving to that is best. You want to know how to plant malunggay that's why you are here right now. So here it is.

So, how to plant malunggay? To plant malunggay choose between stem or seed. For stem, get the branch, dig a soil and plant the stem. For Seeds, put seeds on seedbox let it to germinate and do transplanting.
  • Growing Moringa is easy to do but some people can not do it well. When they try to plant the stem it goes to fail. It will decay for a coming days and not succeed. Even they try it again and again some try success but others fail. Unlike to other kind of fruits and vegetables, they grow it well.
  • Malunggay is not that kind of plant that when you plant it , it will success and achieve. It is differ from other. So here's how to plant malunggay step by step.

How To Plant Malunggay

  • You can Grow Malunggay/Moringa in any place where it is suitable for planting. The type of soil that this plant suits well is sand.
  • Sand has the characteristic where it can not holds water for so long. When waters go into the sand, water immediately goes down unlike on loam or clay soil, water stack for a time.
  • To grow malunggay choose place where sandy soil have but if not, you can plant it anywhere as long as the soil is dry for long time.
  • The reason why is if the soil is always wet the malunggay stem will likely to decay. The organism on the soil are the one who do it. It needs to avoid much water in order to grow well. Make the soil not moist and better Malunggay plant will grow.

Malunggay Tree Planting Procedure

Growing Malungay have two options. One is through the stem and two is through the seeds. This does not need big tools so you will have no problem on that. Simple hand tools can be used as long as it is in good condition.

How to Plant Malunggay Through Stem

1. Get Sharp Knife
  • Stem will be used in planting so you need to get your sharp knife or bolo in order to do this. Make sure that it is in good condition and it will not harm you.
  • Because there are cases like accident that, because of it have a broken knife the person was got cut in his hand. So make sure it is in good condition before you proceed.
2. Pick a Good Stem
  • When to choose a good stem make sure it is not too young. Younger stem tends to have low chance of growth. This is not ready to sprout some roots and even if it grows, the tree is not good.
  • Pick the older stem which it is a little bit hard and it will sprout more roots. Picking a good stem varies on how it's big. Look for branches which big as your hand. This can be a good guide.
3. Cut the Stem
  • In cutting the stem, you should cut it from the base where it grows. When the branch grow on the tree it will go somewhere. Cut it on the base where theres a bulk because it is best to start the roots.
  • Get your knife and hold it firm and then start to cut the branch. Continue and repeat until you cut the stem. Cut more and how many you are needed.
4. Find Place and Dig Soil
  • Finding a good place where sunlight hits much. You need to have a dry soil because it is best on that. Moringa doesn't need much water so choose where it is best. When you have that place or location then start to make hole.
  • Get your knife or instead use bolo. Lay your knee or make an angle where you can start digging. Dig the soil for a good deep. Approximately 12 inch is good or one ruler long. You need to do this so that the stem will not be sway or to loosen up. It needs to be strong enough to grow it better.
    malunggay flowers
5. Get the Malunggay Stem and Water It
  • Get the moringa stem and cut it for an appropriate long. Cut and remove the upper part where it is too young. Get the older part of the tree where it is best.
  • Get water, any water can do like water from faucet or deep well. What you need to do is, wet the lower portion of the stem. Water it thoroughly. Why you need to do this is because its goes better. Water also the hole you created. Make it moist.
6. Plant the Malunggay Stem
  • The next thing you need to do is to plant the stem. Hold the stem and put it on the hole. After that put the soil. Then get some big rocks and put it on the base of the plant in order it will not be move by animals or people. When it move likely to affect its growth.
  • Put enough leaves to cover the base. This will help to grow more roots and the plants will be stronger.
7. Water it Once a Week
  • Water it after 7 days. Don't water it too much or else it will going to decay. Water it just small amount of water.
  • This will grow from cuttings but do you know that it will also grow from seeds? Below are the steps on how to do it.

How to Grow Malunggay from Seeds

1. Get Good Seeds
  • From the tree, it will bear some flowers and that flowers will turn into pods. The pods is where the malunggay seeds coming from. To get the best moringa seeds make sure that the pods are really ripe. What it means thay it should be brown in color.
  • When it is green it will not germinate because its young. Make sure that you will be have a ripe pods where you can start to grow malunggay. Get more seeds from the pods.
  • By looking at the pods you can figure out if it is capable in growing. Look if has brown in color as dry ones are the best one. The seeds are hard enough and surely it will germinate. Have it the best quality malunggay seeds you have.
2. Create a seedling box
  • Make a seedbox where you will be starting to germinate the malunggay seeds. Put there a soil, loam soil is recommended because it suits for sowing a seeds.
  • You will not going to plant it directly to make sure that you will be getting a better one. Put the seeds on the seedbox and let it to germinate. Water it enough in order to grow.
  • Make it more quality by caring for this while started to germinate. Put this on a place where animals can not go. Especially chicken and ducks will probably destroy it.
3. Transplant the Malunggay Seedling
  • When the seedlings have enough high as long as 10 inches you can transplant. It is just an example you can decide with your own. With that you will have more leaves and you can sure that the roots are grown well.
  • Do transplanting, get a bolo or much better trowel. Dig the soil around the seedlings. Then when you do make sure you will not cut the roots. Be careful when doing this.
  • Do this early in the morning or late in the afternoon as the sun not shining bright in this time. Go to the place with the seedlings and plant it to the ground.
4. Water it Enough
  • The seedlings is different from cuttings where it needs enough water in order to grow. Make sure it meets the necessary things.

Caring for Malunggay

  • It doesn't stop after you plant and you need is malunggay care. This way you will giving some efforts and time to make sure the growth is in best.
  • This kind of tree or vegetable doesn't required more fertilizer. What it needs is care. How to do that. Put fence so that small seedlings will not be harm by chicken, dog, or ducks.
  • These animals can damage your vegetable. Remove insect and pest living on the plant. This way healthy leaves will be produce.

What to Expect in Growing Malunggay

  • In growing that, you can expect that it will not grow especially for first timer. The experince are the bases why it will grow or why it will not. The kind of holding of the stem will also affect and the picking of the right branch.
  • The seeds will germinate it well and grow well as you do the right way. Through the seeds there is a 100% posibility that it will grow if the seeds will germinate. So through seeds is the best method. But it takes few months before you can get moringa leaves for foods.
  • Don't give up when you can not grow malunggay. Try and try until you can do it. When you know how, remember how you do it. We have different ways and techniques so don't give up in malunggay.
Growing a vegetables will depends sometimes one on your knowledge, two on your experince. So it is best to learn more and more and don't stop in trying something new.

Growing will be best if you are enjoying it. Doing something great will be making you happy and that is awesome if nature is the cause. Plants, trees, and vegetables that gives us food and happiness.

Thank You for reading this article about how to plant malunggay. and visiting our site. We want to give so much information especially to our readers. We valued them and we want them the best.

In the following days we will post more tips, and procedure all about the vegetables, trees and any that we will sure really helpful to read.

Hope you enjoy and learn something new even as little. If you have some questions, opinion or wanting to say just leave it below in the comment.