
How to Plant Eggplant: Growing Eggplant (Procedure)

Learn how to plant eggplant. Knowledge is power and you want to have a power? We think that the reason why you are here is... know how to plant eggplant, right? Because of that you will read it and this article will give you information about that.

So, how to plant eggplant? To plant eggplant, first find a location. Then make a seedbox and put the seeds inside and wait until it germinate. Next is make a garden plot, after that do transplanting of the seedlings. Finally water the plants everyday and put some fertilizer.

Some Information About Eggplant

  • Eggplant scientific name is (Solanum melongena). Why this plant called eggplant? Because it look likes an egg when you see the fruit and plant growing in the garden.
  • There are different varieties of eggplant which it differs from each other. There are rounded like ann egg, shorter, and the longer.
  • The color of the eggppant is violet, seems like dark violet when you try to look it more.
  • That is some of the information about eggplant and there are more but here is what you are looking and searching for. Here are the step by step on how to plant eggplant.

Planting Eggplant

So here are the step by step procedure on how to plant eggplant.

1. Find a Location
  • Look for a location which is best. Speaking of best you should have this three factors.
  • One is the availability of sunlight. Yes, because like people need sunlight this make us healthy and improves us. Sunlight is the major food that the plants need.
  • When the eggplant will not get enough sunlight and it will lead to a poor health condition. Look for a place where sunlight is abundant, make sure that the sun will lighted up the eggplant atleast 4 hours. It will be better if more than that.
  • Next is availability of water. Yes every plants need it in order to grow well. The water is the main factor why greenish leaves come out. When the plants don't get enough water it will turn to yellowish and others turn to brown and then fall.
  • Make sure that your garden is near to water area in which this is your source.
  • The third is the soil. Every country have different soil type. Try to examine if you are capable of growing eggplant. If yes you can, then let's proceed to the next procedure.
2. Pick Quality Seeds
Speaking of quality seeds you can buy in agriculture farm or in the market. As they giving quality seeds that you can grow in your garden.
  • When you are growing eggplant, make sure you have a great seeds which is the main key to your success. When you have poor quality eggplant seeds, this will lead you to grow only few plants as it is not the right seeds.
  • So if you are just starting a garden focus on the seeds as it will lead you to improve your gardening.
3. Growing Eggplant From Seeds in Seedbox
Make a seedbox or buy seedtray in the market. You will use that in turning the seeds into seedlings.
  • When you have with you a seedbox what you are going to do next is put some soil on that. Get soil which have more nutrients so that the seeds will germinate fast. Put the soil in every small box like container in seedtray.
  • After that use a little stick or use the brooms stick and then make a small hole in the soil. Then put one seed one by one on each box. Cover it with small amount of soil. And water that after to make sure it will start to germinate.
4. Make Eggplant Plot
Create your garden plot in where you are growing eggplant. To do this, get a tool that will help you to cultivate the soil, grabhoe is great. When you have that go to your best location you choose a while ago.
  • Then think what time you will start your gardening. You can do it now if you want and just follow the procedure here. Hold your grabhoe and start cultivating the soil. Continue doing it until yiu finish.
  • Be careful with the rocks that you might be hit as it can create accident and also make sure that the tool you are currently using is in good condition.
  • Remove the grasses in the soil. These grasses will be competators in the soil nutrients. So better to remove them.
  • After that make it pulvirize, so that you can plant there more easily and fast. No hindrance in your gardening.

5. Do transplanting
You find a location, you pick a best eggplant seeds, you germinate it to seedbox, and you make a gardens plot. The next thing is do transplanting.
  • When you try to look the germinated seeds, it turns to an eggplant seedlings. The seedlings have few roots, few leaves and the height is a little bit more tall.
  • When that's the case you can now do transplanting. But before that make sure that you do it either early in the morning or late in the afternoon as the sun does not shine so brighlty.
  • Get your seedbox with you and go to the gardens plot. Get also a trowel you will needing this. Start removing the seedlings from the seedbox.
  • Slightly get the seedlings and avoid to cut the roots. When you already remove it, get your trowel and make a small hole in the plot. Make sure that the roots of eggplant seedlings will be fit on that.
  • After that cover it with soil. Make more holes and estimate how  far to plant eggplants. 12 to 18 inches will be enough. After you finish that all, get some watering tools and water the seedlings.
6. Put Some Fertilizer
  • We know that the fertilizer help the plants to grow well. As it will make a bigger leaves, a bigger fruits, and a bigger plants.
  • When eggplant gets the nutrients it needs it will turn into that. You can use organic fertilizer which is best in growing vegetables. Organic fertilizer is a composition of decaying matters like leaves, grass, leftover foods and some animal manure.
  • This kind of fertilizer is best as you are giving food to the soil. Fertilizer is what the soil need in order to help plants to grow well. Put some fertilizers around the base of the plant. Use trowel and cultivate narrow deep hole and then put it. Do that for the remaining vegetables you have.

7. Water that everyday
  • Yes watering your plants daily make sense. As you will making and helping your plants to grow well. The water is the blood life of every plants in the world. As if no water the plants can not live.
  • In our garden what we do is vise versa. For example today I am assign to water the plants and tommorow my brother. In that way it is more amazing and enjoyable because both are helping each other.
  • You can find other person in your family as it is really enjoyable and stress free activity. Do it consistently and the progress will see in the few more days, weeks, and months.

Growing Eggplant

When you do that above, you will see how eggplant grows. Seeing that everyday is a best motivation because you notice how it goes.

Help the plants by watering that everyday and by applying some fertilizer. At the end you will harvest that soon.

Growing Eggplant in Pots

Yes you can grow eggplant in pots. What you need to do is get some container. Next put some soil inside. Then grow eggplant in seedbox.

After that start transplanting to the container. Put some fertilizer and finally water that everyday. That's the simple step on growing eggplant in pots.

You can have more pots with eggplant planted inside. Make sure that you will put it in a nice place where the sunlight hit most.

Your garden will be amazing and more people will be happy. Because you do a recycle activity by using those bottles or pots in making garden. You have care to the world to the earth where you are living.

Caring For Eggplant

After you plant eggplant, you should care for it. You already know some of the information on how you will care for eggplant like watering it everyday and applying fertilizers.

But there are more. Removing pest and insect. The pests and insects can destroy your plants and you should avoid and prevent that. When you see some pest remove it one by one.

But in case there are many of it, apply some pesticides. There are organic pesticides you can learn on the net just search for it and follow the procedure.

Making you plants free from pest will be amazing and great. As you asure that it will be healthy. Prevent that and harvest free from pests.

Harvesting Eggplant

To harvest eggplant you should consider the size, color and the length. Try to evaluate if you can do and you should base on it variety.

When it is bigger enough and longer enough you can harvest it. Hold the fruit and use knife and cut it from the base of the fruit.

The mature eggplant the better. Avoid so young as it is small and not the right time to get it. You can put all your harvested ones in a basket and you can asked help from your family as it in enjoying while youa

Thank You for reading this article about how to plant eggplant. We like if you get some information here that really help you. We want all the best for our readers who visit and give efforts just and follow the procedure here all.

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