
How to Plant Tomato: Growing Tomatoes (Procedure)

Learning how to plant tomato is the reason why you are here. You want to know how it was done in order to do it properly...

...having guide how to plant tomato will definitely help. So here it is.

 growing tomatoes

So, how to plant tomato? To plant tomatoes first get quality seeds. Second make and plant the seeds on a seedbox. Then make a plot. After that transplant the tomato seedlings using trowel or bolo in the plot. And finally apply fertilizer and water it regularly.

That't the simple answer and below you will know the step by step procedure on how to plant tomatoes. This will help to the farmers and also individuals who also loves gardening.
  • Also if you are wondering when to plant tomatoes you will know what are the best time to plant it. And if you are asking for some tips in planting tomatoes, this article will give that below.
  • But for a mean time get some foods or drinks because this will be a tough and long article to read but it is so very helpful so continue.
  • Are you now have drinks or foods? then let us continue.
  • Before anything else know first some information about tomato plants that will help you more. Knowing what you are planting will definitely help you more.

Is Tomato a vegetable or a fruit?

  • According to some research the tomato is not a vegetable, meaning it is a fruit. Even us for the past years we didn't bother that because we know tomato is a vegetable.
  • But when we read some research our insight change of what we read. Tomato is a fruit! But for us it is a vegetable especially when we cooked this in our home.
  • We like it to serve in the family and it is ao delicious. That's it so if you are still wondering, read some research on the net to find it more.

What's the taste of Tomato

  • The taste of tomato is sweet. That's for us, thats our insight. It is something sweet and a little bit sour.
  • I experince to eat not so much rotten tomato but it's taste is bad, really bad. I don't want to do it again. Rotten no way. Haha.
  • You are enjoying that. That's what we think. But we didn't want to waste your time so here it is what you are looking for.
    how to grow tomatoes

How to Plant Tomatoes

1. Get Quality Tomato Seeds
  • This plant have many seeds inside in which you will have no problem in growing. To get the seeds what you can do is.
  • Go to the market and buy some tomato then get a knife and slice it in half. After that get some spoon and get the seeds out. After that put it on a something flat like flywood.
  • Or container just a little small. Then put the seeds on it. When you already put the tomato seeds on, put it where the sun shines brightly. Make it dry for atleast 8 hours. Then when it is already dry go to next procedure.
2. Make a seedbox
  • The second step is creating a seedbox. What is a seedbox? This is a box where there are soil inside and it is where the seeds put inside to germinate.
  • Make the seedbox and put there the soil in which it's have more nutrients. Put some organic fertilizer like compost (decaying leaves, animal manure and left over foods). After that mix the fertilizer with the soil.
  • When you do that, the next thing get the tomato seeds and make a narrow deep hole on the plot and start putting there the seeds. Cover it with a little soil. And after that get the sprinkler or deeper to water it.
  • For up coming days you will see that it is starting to germinate.
3. Make a Tomato Plot
  • Create garden plot, get your tool you will going to dig up the soil. You will going to get grab hoe in your house.
  • When you have the grab hoe, go to the place where you are going to plant your crops. Start to cultivate the soil. Then make it pulvirize in which you will turn big bunch of soil into tiny pieces.
  • Remove the grasses from the cultivate soil. This will be a treat to our tomatoes. They will going to get the nutrients on the soil that our crops needed.
4. Transplanting Tomato Seedlings
  • After you sown it, in other words after you germinate it, the seeds will grow up into seedlings. You also already finish to make a garden plot and now you are going to transplant it.
  • Get the trowel or bolo and go to the seedbox. Start to cultivate around the seedlings. Make sure you will not cut the roots as it will lead to fail. Then slightly start to get the tomato seedlings.
  • After that, transplant it to the plot. Make a hole just a narrow hole in which the tomato rots will fit in. Then cover it with some soil, water that after.
  • That's how you plant tomatoes in a plot. Make sure that it will not go down. Make it strong enough by covering with the soil.
5. Apply Fertilizer
  • When the soil is not that kind of healthy what you need to do is apply some nutrients to the soil. Make your own organic fertilizer to help the growth.
  • You can search about how to make organic fertilizer on the web and it will teach you how to do it. When you have that fertilizer then put it on the soil.
  • You will just put on the soil or mix it up. After sometime you will see that the tomato plants is growing better.
6. Water it Everyday
  • After you do it all, what you need to do is to water it daily. Tomatoes need more water for a better growth. To do this get a sprinkler and go to your house and find where your faucet is.
  • When you see it, start putting the top hole of the sprinkler to the faucet to make sure no water will be waste. After that start twisting the faucet so that water will start to flow.
  • When the sprinkler is close to its fullest, twist again the faucet and the water will stop. Then after that hold the sprinkler's handle and hold it. Then go to your garden and start watering the tomatoes.
7. Caring for Tomatoes

  • When pest or insect roam around into your garden, remove them as it will destroy your plants. Every time you will see some take an action. This is how you will caring for tomatoes.

Can I Grow Tomatoes in Pots?

The answer would be definitely Yes. Yes you can grow tomatoes in pots if you have lack of space in your area.

People living in urban places, in the city they have lack of space or capacity to build up and make a garden. And what they do is to make a garden using a pots.

How to Grow Tomatoes in Pots

There are simple steps to do that you can follow. To grow tomatoes in pots. First get your pots. Find a container in which it is capable of growing tomatoes. The container in which it is suitable that the plants will grow enough.
  • Get the big mineral water bottle, or a can, pale, plastic bag (one which is using in planting), sack, tires, or anything else.
  • Second make a hole under the container to make sure that the water can pass through it. We need that to do because it is recommended or else plant will be in a bad condition.
  • Third put there a soil inside. Put those soil which is rich in nutrients that will make tomato more healthy. Then make it more pulvirize as you don't want big bunch of soil.
  • Fourth, it is still useful if you make seedbox. We say it a while ago. Grow tomatoes from seeds first. And after that transplant it to each of the container.
  • Fifth, put some fertilizer on each of the pots you have. This will help for a better greenish leave. The plants will grow well. Also water it everyday, try to avoid that seeing it have a dry soil.
  • Finally, care for that until it will bear some tomatoes. You will be even happier when you see how it goes. That's the way on how to grow tomatoes in pots.

How to Harvest Tomatoes

The first thing you must to look for is the fruit. Look if it has a bigger size according to its kind. There are tomatoes bigger and there are smaller.

So if you know the type of tomato you are growing then you will have a bases. You can harvest it even its color is green. You will have no problem in that.

Harvest it green so that when you try to sell it, it will not rotten fast. It will be ripe in some days come. Harvest it green or even orange in color, or even red.
how to plant tomatoes

Final Thoughts.

Growing tomato in pots or in garden can be apply as long as you know the procedure. For beginners it is highly recommended to read and ask from the expert in your locality or read some articles like this or watch some video tutorial.

Do not be shy in asking, because learning don't stop.

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For more interesting topic stay tuned for more tips and steps on planting vegetables and fruits in your garden.