
How to Plant Ampalaya: Growing Ampalaya

Learning on how to plant ampalaya is what you will learn in this article. Vegetable vines are vegetables which crawl in growing.

There are many vines like squash, string beans, and also Bitter gourd. There are many actually but this article will help you on how to plant ampalaya or in other term growing Bitter gourd.
how to plant ampalaya

So, how to plant ampalaya? To plant ampalaya first get quality seeds. Then get seedtray and let the seeds to germinate. After that when some leaves appear and long enough do transplanting. Go to the designated location and plant the vegetable. Finally water it and apply some fertilizer.

You learn the simple steps on how to plant ampalaya and more information will going to teach you below. The method and the way will going to elaborate and some tips will going to be given before end of this article.

This will be going to a little bit more long, so have in you some drinks or foods to eat while you are reading this. This will be more knowledgable and more interesting. So without further more here is the step by step on how to plant ampalaya.

How to Plant Ampalaya

1. Get Quality Seeds

  • The ampalaya seeds are color brown, hard, rough in texture and a little bit big in size that is the characteristics of ampalaya seeds. When you try to look at this you will familiarize that easily cause of the appearance.
  • What you need to do is to get quality seeds first. To get that kind of seeds, you can go to market then find some seed store or in agricultural store and then ask if they have ampalaya seeds and then buy it. This is just cheap so more or less as $2 will be enough
  • Or another method if you have ampalaya garden, let the Bitter gourd to ripen and when it is already color yellow it will begin to break it's fruit and you can get seeds from there
  • The seeds will be coated with a red smooth color so don't mind it and remove that. Then let it dry to the sunlight. Another one is buy ampalaya from the market.
  • When you will cooked that you remove the seeds. In some cases you can see that the seeds are hard enough. If the ampalaya seeds are hard you can use that in planting. It will grow surely. When you have the seeds then let us proceed.

2. Get Seed tray and Put the Seeds Inside

  • The seedtray or in other term seedbox, is a tool or container which seeds are sow. What you are going to do is get the seedtray and after that get either trowel or bolo.
  • Look for a place where you can get some soil. After that cultivate it and put the soil inside the seedtray. Put soil in all small container. Then get the seeds and put one seed in each small container.
  • After that cover it with soil. Do this to all seed and water that after. The seeds will start to germinate in the following days. Also leaves will appear and the vines will grow and continue to lengthen.
  • Also put the seed that best for sunlight so that it will germinate in fast mode. Also another thing put it in safe place where the animals can not destroy it. They can damage the seedlings when it started to grow. Let us proceed to next step.

3. Transplanting of Ampalaya Seedlings

  • The ampalaya seedlings are grown from seeds. When this seedlings started to germinate, and continues to grow. Some leaves will appear and the vines will continue to grow it's length.
  • When you see it have enough leaves and enough length you can do transplanting. To do that get your garden tools like bolo or trowel. Then go to the seedbox. Slightly and slowly get the seedlings. Be careful in doing this as accident may happen. The roots can be cut or the stem will be break so care is must.
  • When you get the seedlings already, go to the designated place and then start to make a hole. Enough big and deep hole is needed. Make sure that the roots of the seedling will fit. After that cover it with some soil. After that water the plants.
  • Take note when you are doing transplanting of ampalaya seedling, do it early in the morning or late in the afternoon. As in this time the sun does not shines so brightly. If you do it when the sunlight hits so brighlty the plants will be dry.

4. Make Something to Crawl

  • Ampalaya is a vine which it crawl. When it continues to grow in grow, the lengths will add and add. You need to make something in which ampalaya will crawl. As if you not do then fruits of it will lay down in the ground. It is not good to see like that.
  • You can make a vegetable vine crawler using a bamboo branches. Bamboo have many branches and it is most commonly use in crawling. Make a 4 poles and make it strong.
  • Add some woods to make a square like in upper part. After that put the bamboo branches above. Get some wires and tie it on the wood so that it will be strong enough.
  • You can also just use wires. This will be easy enough to make as you will just tie it on every part of the wood. When you have the poles and connected it with woods, get the wires and tie it on the wood. Tie first on the wood and continue and tie on the second wood. Continue doing it and I know you already know how to do it.

5. Apply Some Fertilizer

  • When the Bitter gourd grows it needs ferrilizer to achieve it's best growth. Unless the soil ia abundant to nutrients and if that's the case you do not need fertilizer. But what if it lack of nutrients what will you do?
  • When the soil does not have enough nutrients put fertilizer. What kind of fertilizer? We really recommended the organic fertilizer. Why? Because this is natural and no chemicals applied. When it is natural bad effects to health of people. Great you love people. Yeah.
  • But how to make organic fertilizer and apply to ampalaya plant? Organic fertilizer are make through the organic matters like grass, vegetables, leaves, left over foods and animal manure. To make this make a hole and compile up those material and put inside.
  • After that cover with soil. After some weeks or months it will be totally decay and you can put it the right way on the foot of the plants.
  • But can I apply sentitic fertilizer? Yes ofcourse. But we build this site organic that we avoi to use such that.

6. Water It Everyday

  • Plants need sunlight to make food but a side from that they need also the water. The water is the blood life of plants. Without it the plants will not grow well.
  • When the plants have lack of water they will be dry and it will not have green leafy leaves. You must water it everyday to attain its maximum growth. The water makes the flower, the leaves, the stem, and the fruit more healthy. A side from that it makes harvest more so both of you will benefited.
  • Water the ampalaya plants everyday using sprinkler or any gardening tools you can use.

Growing Ampalaya

When the ampalaya plants are growing there are factors that the growth will affected. There are weeds, insects, and pests that will surely affects your plants. You do not want it to happen.

Every gardeners have care to their plants. Like planting ampalaya, in their garden every single day they look to their plants to make sure every thing is okay, every thing is in good place.

When the weeds are their, the insects and the pest you should do something.They will surely destroy your plants and to avoid it have care to Bitter gourd. Lets talk about it.

Ampalaya Care

To care for ampalaya plants, first when their are weeds or grasses remove it. The grasses are the main compitators of the plants to the nutrients coming from the soil. When there are grasses around your plants they will surely compet with each other and the nutrients will be cut in both.

If that happen your plants will not attain more growth. So you should clean up the place of your garden. Remove any of them and

Growing Ampalaya in Pots

Can I grow ampalaya in pots? Yes definitely you can grow ampalaya in pots or container. This is applicable to those people living in urban places in which they have lack in gardening space.

What do you need to do is get quality seeds then get the pots. After that put some soil inside the container. Then put the quality ampalaya seeds inside. Cover it with soil and water it to start to germinate.

When the ampalaya plant started to crawl have some wires to crimb. You can make your own artificial crimbing of the plant.
how to plant ampalaya

How to Harvest Ampalaya
  • Harvesting ampalaya will depends on its age and apperance. When it started to grow and bearing some flowers that ampalaya flowers will turn into fruit.
  • The healthyness and the longliness of the fruit will depend on the sunlight it gets and the nutrients coming from the soil.
  • When you know that it is old enough and the size of the ampalaya fruit is long you can pick it up. To pick that just cut it on the base of the fruit. There are cases that the ampalaya will bear short fruit. But thats okay it usually happen.
  • To get the maximum healthy fruit, do the things you need to do like applying fertilizer and watering the plants everyday.

Tips in Growing Ampalaya
  • Growing ampalaya is easy when you do the right and proper procedure. The tips are make sure you have the good soil. Thats the tip 1. Good soil is a must. On our observation when the soil is rich the leaves of ampalaya and its fruit are healthier than poor soil.
  • Have some look in your soil. If your soil is poor in nutrients do not hesitate to apply fertilizer. You can apply organic fertilizer. Just make a compost pit and then put all organic matter such as grasses, leaves, left over foods and also animal manure.
  • Let it do decay and after that you can put it on your plants. To fully do this there are tutorials on the net which you can follow by searching how to make compost pit, or how to make organic fertilizer.
  • For tip 2 water it everyday. Do not let the soil dry. When you see that the soil is dry apply some water. This doesn't need much water but make sure that the soil is always moist.
  • When the plants get much of water you can asurely see that the leaves are more green and the planta grows more stems. Do not forget watering your plants everyday.
  • Tip 3 is put your plants where sunlight is abundant. There are areas in which the sunlight is not get so think of it. When there are more sun rays the plants get, you can surely see that the leaves are healthier. Also you can see a healthier fruits.

Thank you for reading this article in titled "How to Plant Bitter Gourd: Growing Ampalaya".

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