
How to Build a Vegetable Garden

Today, learn how to build a vegetable garden. Making a vegetable garden is easy when you have guide and a little bit background about gardening. But when you are new and you don't know how to start it will be a little bit difficult to move. The good thing now a days is you can search on the net for the full tutorial and there are many tips on growing many different vegetables. So here learn a few information about how to build a vegetable garden.
How to Build a Vegetable Garden

So, how to build a vegetable garden? To build a vegetable garden;
  • Pick Your Gardening Location
  • Make a Plan
  • Get Gardening Tools
  • Measure the Length of the plot
  • Make a Gardens Plot
  • Prepare the Soil
  • Know the Vegetables to Plant
  • Get Vegetable Seeds
  • Grow the Vegetables
  • Water it Everyday
  • Apply Fertilizer
  • Start Harvesting

That's a quick short but broad answer. Below you will learn more information from broad to more specific. So continue reading for more information to learn.

How to Build a Vegetable Garden

1. Pick Your Gardening Location

This area focuses on factors you should consider in choosing the right and good place to start your vegetable garden. The location you will going to make a vegetable garden should have the following criterias.

Sunlight is the basic needs of vegetable. Through the sunlight they can make their own food through the process of photosynthesis.

Without sunlight the vegetable can not grow well. The sunlight as a food, it helps the vegetable to grow well and helps the vegetable to produce more color green leaves.

So if you will make a vegetable garden find a place where sunlight is abundant. Make sure that it can get atleast 4 hours of direct sunlight. More hours is much better.

Water is the life blood of every plants. Without water the plants can not live. They need water to supply minerals to all parts of the plant.

The water is one mineral which is very important. When the vegetable doesn't gets enough water, their leaves might turn to yellow. And soon it might be dry.

So, you should pick a location where you can get water to apply on your vegetable. There are places like in the mountainous areas in which they hardly get water and they depends only to rain.

Pick a location where you can get enough water.

Soil Type
The soil type is also one factor to consider. There are vegetables grow well in the sand, clay, loam, and other types of soil.

But as you observe, you will notice that almost all vegetables grow well in the loam soil. Yes, definitely. The loam soil has a better characteristic in handling the water. Unlike in the sand, if you water it, the water goes down very faster.

There are other things the loam soil has. But the whole thing you should grow vegetable in the loam soil for a better vegetable production.

2. Make a Plan

This areas focuses on planning in making a vegetable garden. Planning will help you to work easier than no plan.

Know if it you are capable of making garden in your backyard. You can use no. 1 as your guide. If you meet all the factors above so you can make a garden in your location 100%.

What are the things you might think about. Let's take a look.

For example your location is in near the equator of the world, in which there are more sunlight than water can you think you can grow more vegetables.

Growing vegetables in that location will be a little bit difficult as water will be hard to found. Rainy days will be short than sunny days. So plan out where you will get water.

But if you are in a location where growing vegetable will be fine, then you will have no problem.

Also this, think about some money to spend for gardening tools, vegetable seeds and others materials.

Gardening tools will help us to work well. You can not cultivate the soil using both hands or remove growing grasses and cut it. You will need tools to do it.

So you should spend a little bit money for gardening tools. But if you have some tools at home, you can use that instead.

Also you need to buy some seeds. Think about where you will buy them. Seeds can cost around $1 to $70+ per pack in which it has 10 to 500+ seeds inside.

Also plan when to do that. If have free time or day you can work. But if you are working as an agriculturist you can do that in full time. It will depends on you and try to think when to do that.

3. Get Gardening Tools

This area focuses on the gardening tools to use in making a vegetable garden. We know that gardening tools will help us to work easier.

As we said a while ago if you have no gardening tools you need to buy some to help you well. Buy some grab hoe in which it will cost around $10 to $25 depends on the manufacturer. You can buy it in the nearest hardware store on through online at amazon or ebay.

Buy also other tools like; Sprinkler this tool is use for watering. Sprinkler will help you to water vegetables easier and faster. This has a handle and a kettle type opening but the different it has bigger ones and many holes on it.

Rake this tool is use for leveling the soil. After you cultivate the soil you need this tool to make level. It will make your gardens appearance more beautiful.

Trowel this hand tool is use for cultivating around the plants and making holes for planting. When you have no tools, you use twigs or small branch of plants to cultivate around the plants.

But it will be more easier using trowel. This tool also use in planting. When you planting seeds you make hole and it can be use on that and make it easier.

Meter stick is use for measuring. This tool will help you in some what like measuring the length of your garden.

Shovel is use for digging and mixing. Commonly we see shovel in construction. But it is also being use in gardening.

For example you will make a hole for compost pit. You can use shovel to make that. It will be faster to use shovel in digging than any other tools.

Bolo can use for cutting grasses and roots. There are cases that grasses grows in our garden and we don't want to happen that. But we can't control that so we can use bolo to remove the grasses. This tool can also be uses in cutting roots...

...and other stuff that will help you in building your garden.

If you have already those tools in your house then you can use that.

You should get the right and light to handle tools so that you can work easier and faster. Having working tools with no damage can help you to avoid accident. Be safe at all times.

4. Measure the Length of the Plot

In this area it focuses on the plot measurement like width, length and height.

Using a meter stick or any measuring instrument, measure the length, width and height of the plot.

When you have a wide space of soil you can make longer and bigger plots. Or if you have small space then the plot will be probably small.

This is just an example and you can make your own measurement. For example you make a plot with one meter wide, three meters long and nine inches height. That example can be use in making your plot. You can estimate and adjust the measurement.

You can decide if how long it gonna be. Because it will depends on what kinds of vegetables you are going to plant. There are smaller vegetable, bigger and also vegetable vines.

5. Make a Gardens Plot

This area focuses on making your gardens plot. It tackles about digging and cultivating the soil.

Using your gardening tools start forming the plot. You already measure the plots length and using a grab hoe, cultivate the soil. Be careful in handling this tool to prevent accident.

After you cultivate the soil, remove those unwanted materials like grasses or any other things.

If you see bigger bunch of soil, make it pulvirize using your bare hand. It will help you to plant more faster.

6. Prepare the Soil

This area focuses in preparing the soil. A well prepare soil well help the vegetables to grow well.

"It should be sterilized". Some books related to agriculture or planting says that the soil should be sterilized. What, sterilized? Yes. According to some books we have already read.

It can be sterilized by drying it completely under the sun for couple of hours. Around eight or more hours will be enough.

After sterilizing the soil, make it more ready by mixing some compost. Yes compost will absolutely help in growing bigger size vegetables.

You must make a compost or organic fertilizer. To do that make a compost pit and fill it with organic matters such as leaves, grasses or any organic matters. Cover it with some soul and after few weeks it will start to decay.

When it totally decay, get those compost and put it in your gardens plot. Spread it any where in your garden and mix it properly. Those will serve as fertilizer for your plants.

7. Know the Vegetables to Plant

This area focuses on what vegetable you can plant in your vegetable garden. There are many kinds of vegetable to choose from but pick those who are best suit to your environment and location.

Tomatoes grow best especially in tropical climate. And this grow well in whole year. Tomatoes are typically a fruit but most people treat it as a vegetable.

Growing tomatoes in your garden will be easy. You will just get some tomato seeds and grow it first on a seed bed or seed box. When it has enough height and show some few leaves, you can now do transplanting.

Plant the seedlings around an inch deep to your gardens plot and cover it with soil. Then do the care by applying fertilizer and watering it regularly. After few months start harvesting tomatoes. You can also visit this link in order to know how to grow tomatoes.

Like tomatoes this is also a great way to start your garden. Eggplant also grows well. In fact most of the gardeners or farmers grow eggplant in their location.

Growing eggplant will be also easy for you. The procedure in growing eggplant is just the same to tomatoes.

After few months of caring, watering, and applying fertilizer you can now harvest young and fresh eggplant. You can also visit this link in order to know how to grow eggplant.

Okra or ladies finger is also easy vegetables to grow. This need more sunlight and water in order to grow well.

One plant of okra can produce more okra fruits. This need some extra care by watering it everyday and putting fertilizer.
You can also visit this link in order to know how to grow okra.

Onions or Garlic
The bulbs and cloves can also be used in growing in your garden. This also

Vegetable Vines
There are plenty of vegetable vines to choose from. Like these vegetables; squash, string beans, hyacinth bean, lima bean, sponge gourd, ampalaya or bitter gourd and many other.

But the tip is grow those vegetables that you have seen already in your location. You can also seek some gardeners and ask some help to them.

8. Get Vegetable Seeds

This area focuses in getting vegetable seeds. The vegetable grows from seeds. The seeds start to germinate after few days or weeks. But where you can buy some vegetable seeds?

Buy seeds in the agriculture store
Agriculture store is a store in which they sell gardening tools, equipment, fertilizer and also vegetable seeds. When you buy some seeds in the agriculture store you will notice that some of the seeds has a color.

The seeds they are selling can cost around $1 to $5+ depends on its varieties, quantity and quality.

The color on the seeds is a chemical which help the seeds to live longer. The main thing is you can get some high percentage of germinating seeds. So buy vegetable seeds in your nearesr agriculture store.

In the Market
You can get seeds from vegetable you buy from the market. What you need to do is, after you buy vegetable. Get some knife and peel it. Slice it into half or into pieces and then get those seeds inside.

That's it you have now vegetable seeds to grow.

Online store
Yes, there are also online store which sells some seeds. One example is amazon.

Amazon is the biggest online store in the world. Under the site they sell high quality seeds, and other products related to agriculture or gardening. On that site buy some quality seeds to start your garden

Another online store is ebay. Ebay is also like amazon. In which they sell products related to agriculture.

Here's a quick tip.
In buying under the online store, choose those seeds with many reviews under them. If you can observe there are stars under the seed products in which it tells how quality they really are.

9. Grow the Vegetables

Get the seeds, go to the gardens plot and start planting the seeds. To plant the seeds, get trowel or bolo and make hole.

The hole you need to make should have a deep of one to two inch deep with a spacing of six to 18 inches apart depends on what kind of vegetables.

Aftet that cover it with some soil. Get a sprinkler and start watering the planted seeds.

10. Water it Everyday

When the vegetables start to grow, continue watering it regularly. The more water it gets the better outcome to have.

When to water it? The best time to water it is early in the morning around 6 to 7 o'clock and late in the afternoon around 4 5 pm.

11. Apply Fertilizer

 We recommend to apply organic fertilizer. This is a kind of fertilizer in wich it has no chemical content.

To apply fertilizer, just mix on the soil and done.

12. Start Harvesting

After few months of hard work start harvesting fresh vegetables. Do this with your love ones and enjoy the day.

It's a little bit long article. Hope you learn even as little as possible.

Thank you so much for spending your time with us reading this article about how to build a vegetable garden.

More articles to post stay tuned, relax and enjoy.