
How to Grow Ginger (Luya)

Today, learn how to grow ginger. Ginger has many health benefits, in fact it is being used to treat many kinds of diseases. Not only that ginger is commonly used in cooking. It makes food delicious and great to taste. But today, we will not going to tackle about that. Let us learn how to grow ginger.
How to Grow Ginger

So, how to grow ginger? To grow ginger get a ginger rhizome. Then find a place where you will going plant ginger. On a soil make one to two inches deep with spacing of six inches apart. Water it regularly and apply fertilizer. After a year it will start producing ginger flower and start harvesting bunch of ginger.

That's a simple steps in growing ginger but it is quite broad. Here below I will going to tackle about from broad to more specific one. Hope you learn even as little information as possible. So let's go.

How to Grow Ginger.

1. Get Quality Ginger Rhizome

To get ginger rhizome, you can buy it on your nearest store or market. You can get high quality which is best to plant in the garden. One piece of rhizome can cost more or less $1.

Why you should get high quality. In that case you can have high percentage of germinating ginger. There are cases that plant seeds doesn't grow well and it is because the seeds is not fully mature and it is low quality.

Ginger rhizome in the store are quality in which you can observe in its appearance. You can also buy some ginger rhizome at the online store in which they ship it to your location. Buy from high authorize sites like amazon or eBay.

2. Find A Best Place

The best place to plant ginger is in your house. Commonly people wants to grow ginger in their house. For many reasons like they want to have some ginger to mix in their food. Or wants ginger so that they have some thing to drink like a coffee. Or it has many health benefits that will help to have strong resistance and many others.

Where is the best place to plant ginger? The best place is in your house yard. You can either choose from backyard or front yard as long as it will get the following requirements;

Ginger plant needs more sunlight in order to grow well. In fact the more sunlight the plants get the better it will produce healthier leaves, more green and it will produce more harvest.

So you need to make sure that in the place where you will plant ginger plant, it will gets more sunlight. It doesn't matter if it will be on front yard or backyard.

Ginger needs enough water to grow well. There's a quote saying that "The water is the life blood of plants". In that quotation it probably says that plants need water in order to survive. It needs sunlight and of course it need also more water.

 There are location in which it hard to get water like in the higher places like mountains. So if you are living in the mountain make sure you can apply water to your plants. But if you live below the mountain or called villages where the water will be abundant then it will be better.

You should get enough water to water your plants and it will surely grow well.

3. Planting the Rhizome

This is the next step, planting the ginger rhizome. Start planting, get the gardening tool like bolo or trowel and the ginger rhizome. Go to the place where you will going to start planting it.

On the soil make a hole with one to two inches deep or make an estimation of your choice. Then put the ginger rhizome. Make more holes if you have more rhizome. Make a plant spacing around six inches apart.

Then cover all the rhizome with the soil. After that apply some water so that it will going to start germinating.

How long does it takes ginger will start to germinate? The ginger will start germinating around three to four weeks. It needs more time before it will show some leaves and produce its roots under the ground.

4. Water it Regularly

Plants need water. So you should apply enough water to ginger regularly. This plant doesn't really need to water it everyday as long as it gets water it will grow well.

If you will observe some ginger planters doesn't water it everyday. They plant it on the ground and wait for a year before they start to harvest it.

So you can don't water it everyday but you can water it three or four times in a week. Also don't let the soil to be almost dry. It will prevent the ginger to grow well.

When you see a dry soil apply water and a better ginger plant will produce.

5. Apply Fertilizer

Does ginger needs fertilizer? Absolutely yes. Of course. But in this matter we will apply organic fertilizer. Organic fertilizer is a fertilizer in which it is made up of organic matters such as leaves, grasses, woods, animal manure, and other matters.

How to make organic fertilizer? To make organic fertilizer what you need to do is find first a place or spot where you will make a hole. Then get a shovel. Using the shovel make one meter deep. Make it circular hole or rectangular hole.

Then gather some organic materials like wood chips, leaves, grasses, left over foods, animal manure, etc., and then put it inside the hole. After few weeks it will start to decay.

How to apply organic fertilizer to ginger?
To apply organic fertilizer to ginger is get a compost and then put it on the base of the plant. You can also cultivate some portion of the soil and mix it on the soil. In that way it will help the plant to healthier and produce more green leaves.

6. Put Mulch

Yes, mulch will also health for maintain moisture on the soil. How to put mulch on the plant ginger? Get some wood chips or dry leaves or dry grasses.

What to do with that materials? Put it on the base of the plant. Like on the organic fertilizer you also put that on the base of the plant. The difference with that is the compost is fertilizer and it is already decay. While the mulch is still fresh and need some days to decay.

The importance of mulch to ginger is it will help to maintain its soil moisturizer which help to prevent for the water to evaporate. It blocks the sunlight on the soil.

7. Harvesting Ginger

Usually it takes a year before you can harvest bunch of ginger. But in that time you can asure that you can get more ginger rhizome than you expect.

To harvest ginger just get a gardening tools like bolo and cultivate it around the plants. You can also pull that with your bare hands but be careful not to cut each rhizome.

Pull it lightly but surely. Amazing thing because after your hard work you start to harvest fresh ginger.

One tip in harvesting ginger. The ginger produce flower, so if you see it showing then your guide for your harvest. Wait for the flowers to dry or to decay before you harvest ginger and after that ready your bolo or trowel.

Ginger Care
How to care for ginger? To care for ginger when you see some insects or pest roaming around your plants remove them. They will start to destroy your plants and we don't like it to happen.

Some of them may damage the ginger leaves, so make sure to protect your plants from pest. Also to care for that, water it regularly as they need it especially when temperature is too hot. And one thing is apply fertilizer to make it grow well.

Can You Grow Ginger In Container?
Yes, you can grow ginger in container. How to do that. Get a container with enough size and deep. Make a drainage or holes under the container so that the water can pass through and it will not stack inside.

Get the container and put some soil inside. Get your ginger rhizome and plant it inside with one to two inch deep. Water it after and it will start germinating after three to four weeks.

Can you grow ginger indoors?
Yes, you can. Using your planted ginger inside the container, put it inside your house. In that way you have now your growing ginger inside your house. Plant more ginger in pots and put it inside your house.

What is Ginger Scientific Name?
The scientific name of ginger is (Zingiber officinale)

Thank you for reading this article about how to grow ginger. Thank you for your time spending here with us. Hope you learn even as little information as possible.

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